
Gannea Deafness (Common)

Species: Gannea

Partial or complete hearing loss

Gannea Blindness (Common)

Species: Gannea

Partial or complete vision loss

Gannea Partial Heterochromia

Gannea Partial Heterochromia (Uncommon)

Species: Gannea

Sectoral heterochromia

Gannea Full Heterochromia

Gannea Full Heterochromia (Uncommon)

Species: Gannea

Full heterochromia

Gannea Forked Tongue

Gannea Forked Tongue (Common)

Species: Gannea

Tongue is forked.

Gannea Fae Ears

Gannea Fae Ears (Uncommon)

Species: Gannea

Ears have long, swallowtail-like cartilaginous  lobes.

Gannea Oversized Horns

Gannea Oversized Horns (Uncommon)

Species: Gannea

Horns grow enormous, encumbering the Gannea's movement.

Gannea Extra Horns

Gannea Extra Horns (Rare)

Species: Gannea

Gannea has more than two horns.

Gannea Mismatched Horns

Gannea Mismatched Horns (Legendary)

Species: Gannea

Gannea has differing horns.

Gannea Tusks

Gannea Tusks (Limited)

Species: Gannea

Elongated lower canine teeth.

Gannea Fangs

Gannea Fangs (Legendary)

Species: Gannea

Elongated upper canines.

Gannea Butterfly Ears

Gannea Butterfly Ears (Limited)

Species: Gannea

Butterfly wing shaped ears.

Gannea Lop Ears

Gannea Lop Ears (Legendary)

Species: Gannea

Ear cartilage fails to develop properly, resulting in immobile, droopy ears.

Gannea Folded Ears

Gannea Folded Ears (Rare)

Species: Gannea

Ear cartilage fails to develop correctly, resulting in folded ears.

Gannea Bat Ears

Gannea Bat Ears (Uncommon)

Species: Gannea

Oversized ears.

15 results found.