Crysalla Overgrown Claws (Common)
Claws grow rapidly, resulting in long, unkempt sickles. Must be trimmed.
Crysalla Tail Vane (Common)
Vane of soft tissue at the tip of the tail, can be any shape, helps with flight.
Crysalla Serrated Claws (Uncommon)
Sharp, serrated claws for walking on ice and gripping cliffsides.
Crysalla Tail Club (Uncommon)
Hard, bone club at the tip of the tail for defense, capable of breaking bone.
Crysalla Raptor Claws (Rare)
Thumb and dew claw become enlarged, sickle shaped for holding down prey.
Crysalla Tail Rattle (Rare)
Rattlesnake rattle at the tip of the tail, can make a warning noise. Linked to the Venom mutations.
Crysalla Gills (Legendary)
Inherited from an Aquilla parent or grandparent, the Crysalla has gills to breathe underwater. Internal or External
Crysalla Webbing (Legendary)
Webbed toes, inherited from an Aquilla parent or grandparent.
Crysalla Membrane (Limited)
Membrane from the wings connecting the arms or legs to the body or tail.
Crysalla Sail (Limited)
A large, bony sail on the back of the Crysalla for aid in thermoregulation.
Crysalla Tail Spade (Common)
Sharp tail spade at the tip of the tail.
Crysalla Oiled Filaments (Rare)
Fur, Feathers, Pycnofibers, or Hair of Crysalla are heavily oiled and waterproof, preventing waterlogging and algae growth.
Crysalla Blunt Claws (Legendary)
Claws are short and blunt.
Crysalla Quills (Rare)
Long, hollow quills similar to that of ornithischian dinosaurs.
Crysalla Curled Spines (Legendary)
Malformed spines, caused by a musculoskeletal disorder.