City inside Zarawari
Can be home to both users and characters.
A sprawling city built precariously around the largest supervolcano in Siablan, the Infieri, regularly drained with an intricate lava sewer system and sealed with South’s earth magic. Odalea is a center of music and laughter. Its streets are lit with floating lumi, balls of light. Every summer solstice, on the shortest night of the year, the Crysalla release thousands of lumi into the sky to light up the continent.
Ignaroa Palace
South’s fortress, built into the side of the Infieri. It has multiple levels, for minor deities to entertain visitors, and South is known for throwing grand parties in its lower halls.
Nalal University
All-levels school specializing in earth and light magic. It’s known for its extensive arts programs, especially musical courses.
Mesola Library
Somewhat unique in its field, the Mesola library focuses on fictional works rather than factual texts and records. They welcome donations of creative stories from anyone to add to their collection.
Nambra Temple
High temple to South themself, an enormous pyramid carved of volcanic rock.