City inside Vincai
Can be home to both users and characters.
Built around the active supervolcano, Vhagris, West’s powerful fire magic is the only thing keeping not only the entire city, but also all of Vincai, from being destroyed in a catastrophic eruption. West themself has fireproof scales, and can be observed swimming in the bubbling, molten rock of Vhagris. The Tritis river flows to the east of it from the north and out to sea.
Vhagari Keep
The ancient, black castle of West. It’s built into the side of Vhagris, and contains an intricate network of lava sewers to drain the volcano. Within its dark walls, West keeps a menagerie of captive Gannea as pets, as they find them delightful.
Vannari University
The all-level school is home to the best fire and plague magic curriculum on Siablan, where students will be hand-picked to serve West. Students are expected to also take military training, and enroll when they are finished in payment. It boasts the finest blacksmithing program in Siablan.
Vulani Temple
Grand temple to West themself, and an incredible feat of architecture, the largest pyramid in the western hemisphere.