Southern Hemisphere Map

Created: 15 April 2024, 13:43:00 EDT
Last updated: 18 April 2024, 13:43:27 EDT

the southern hemisphere

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The smallest domain of all the gods, South’s lands are lands of extremes. The continent Zarawari is broken up into a spiral by deep, dangerous rivers with their own tides, and at its heart lie a ring of active volcanoes. To the west lies the hottest, driest desert in Siablan, reaching temperatures of 150 degrees fahrenheit by day, and to the east lies a hot, humid tropical rainforest. Much of South’s Crysalla prefer to live nomadic lifestyles, leading to few established cities. There is an eternal cyclical storm raging in the southwestern ocean called the Higrawi.

South’s domain is quite difficult for Gannea to survive in, not by any Crysalla hands, but merely the extreme climate. While few Gannea live in Crysalla cities in the desert-covered west, all Gannea-led city-states lie in the east, in the dense forest. They do not inhabit the volcanic lands, as the poisons from the volcanoes prove lethal.

The Nocmyr of South’s domain primarily inhabit the outer faces of the continent, avoiding its volcanic center. They lack the poison immunity of Crysalla, though they are more resistant to it than Gannea. Due to their large families, they are less likely to adopt the widespread nomadic lifestyle of South’s followers.
