Ra'thazi'i Overview
While Razarath’s first children would become known as the Presalla in the Modern Age; the Presalla called themselves the Ra’thazi’i, the “Dark Children”. They spoke Ra’arria, which is a dead language in the Modern Age and only passed on by the few living Presalla.
Ra’thazi’i (Singular: Ra’thazi) (Adj. Ra’thaz) are a crystalline dragon species created by Razarath. They inhabited Siablan before the creation of the Modern Crysalla by the four Gods in the Modern Era.
- Ra’thazi’i were the blueprints of Modern Crysalla, are very much like their later counterparts in anatomy. They have a bipedal and quadrupedal form, a Soul Stone, a single sex, and the three distinct body types.
- Ra’thazi’i have four wings, and no cultural practice of keeping their eyes closed.
- Ra’thazi’i can have crystal growths, dermal growths, filaments, tails, wings, and horns of any type as outlined in Crysalla Traits.
- Ra’thazi’i can use any of the four types of magic.