Ra'thazi'i Culture

Created: 14 June 2024, 13:00:17 EDT
Last updated: 14 June 2024, 13:01:26 EDT

Ra'thazi'i Culture

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  • Ra’thazi’i society was much more sedentary than Modern Crysalla. They built permanent settlements, and hoarded various possessions and wealth.
  • Ra’thazi’i society had developed up until the Renaissance Era of Earth, and possessed advanced clockwork and multiple steam-powered devices. While locomotives were never invented; steam-powered seafaring ships and airships were in use. They had various surgical advancements undiscovered by Modern Crysalla.
  • The Ra'thazi'i invented an enchanted metal called Rah’vshi, capable of cutting through solid metal and even diamond, its smithing process lost to time. Few blades and armor remain today, and are highly coveted.

Ra’arria is a pictogram system similar to traditional Chinese. When spoken aloud, it is an incredibly powerful language, and remains in use of magic spells by Modern Crysalla. The runic characters themselves vary in complexity, depending on the ideas.

Many words and sounds in Ra’arria have similar meanings, for example, the prefix “Ra” means Holy, God, and Dark. Ra’arria compound words and names have apostrophes. For example, Ra’arria means “Holy Tongue”, Ra’thazi’i means “Dark Children”. *(Ra’thazi means “Dark Child)

How to use Ra’arria/Ra’arri: The Ra’thazi’i speak Ra’arria. It is Ra’arri culture to raise their children.

  • Every Ra’thazi’i has a secret “true” name. It is only told to one’s closest companions, as it’s believed it grants another power over their soul.
  • Ra’thazi’i domesticated various textile and medicinal crops, as well as various spices, and the Sialli Silkworm. They domesticated several animal species as livestock as well, including wool-producing ones.
  • Ra’thazi’i did not have cultural clothing that reflected their personalities and identities the way Modern Crysalla do. They wore clothing in both forms, yes, but it had no representation other than likely the Crysalla’s class. Few of it was enchanted to shift with them, and most Ra’thazi’i had a full wardrobe.
  • The Ra’thazi’i differ from their modern counterparts in that they raise their children. A Ra’thazi’i may live as a single parent or with a romantic partner. They do not practice a traditionally monogamous mating style. The little Ra’thazi’i that survive in Modern Day do so because they primarily breed with other Ra’thazi’i and pass their language and history down to their offspring.
  • The Ra’thazi’i had no traditional marriage ceremony, and neither do the Modern Crysalla. They only have their aerial courtship dance. A mate of the Ra’thazi may inherit any lands or titles their mate possesses, unless they have an heir, in which their claim of succession comes first. A Ra’thazi may have multiple mates; and multiple children by them. A single Consort is named in writing; while there may be untitled mates.
laws and society
  • The Ra’thazi’i have a standardized currency value of 1 gold=5 silver=5 copper. The coins themselves vary by mint of each kingdom. They’re printed with the faces of their monarchs.
  • The Ra’thazi’i built kingdoms and empires with hereditary royal lineages. Their royals bear the title of R’rarreishi (Monarch), R’rashiea (Monarch Consort), and R’rasha (Heirs) and their nobles bear the title of S’arrashel (Noble), S’arrasheala (Noble Consort), and S’arrash (Heirs).
  • Inheritance is chosen by the Ra’thazi parent who holds the title. A R’rarreishi may choose any of their children of any age or parent to inherit their throne. They are encouraged to have multiple children, and to choose the one best suited for rule. There is no issue with “bastardry” of the child; so long as the ruling parent claims them as their own in writing.